Monday, August 31, 2009

The Top Continues Not To Sacrifice

In this unprecedented time of budget cuts in the State of California there are millions upon millions of people suffering throughout the State, however, the leaders of our State still fail to comprehend the problems that the rest of their citizens are suffering from these cuts.

According to SFGate, State Senator Leland Yee (D) proposed SB 217, which had to do with limiting the pay of UC/CSU executives who are making over $200,000. This policy would only be implemented during times of economic hardship for the State. SFGate continued to report that back in May, this bill had support in favor of 35 to 3 in the State Senate. However, this support would be changed by the hard hitting lobbyists of both the UC/CSU systems. These lobbyists were able to effectively inveigle the Assembly Education Committee to reconsider the bill.

The argument that was presented to this Committee consisted of making the points that it would most likely cause these Executives to quit, and that because of this result it would cost more in taxpayer dollars to be used to recruit new talent, and in this case would make it harder to recruit the top Executives.

Let's be real here, these are valid points made by the lobbyists for the UC/CSU system, but just because they are lucid points does not necessarily mean that they are the right points. The reason why these points are skewed involves the lack of reality that these Executives are experiencing. They (Executives) continue to drive home the point that Students should pay higher tuition, that layoffs, and pay cuts are necessary for their faculty, but when it comes to their own self-interests they are unwilling to not take the hit with the rest of us.

Where is the leadership? Can someone please explain to me where the leadership is? I'm looking for it, but I'm still not able to find it. Everyone else is making less, Students are paying more and getting less, but while this is all going on the Executives of the UC/CSU systems cannot even muster up enough willingness to go along with the cuts like everyone else.

However, as much as I would like to continue to blame these Executives for getting away from these pay cuts, the blame all comes back to the State Legislature. They actually had a chance to show that everyone will go through the budget cuts together. It sets a bad precedent that one group is allowed to skate by these cuts unharmed, but while the rest of the Students and Faculty suffer.

So, does this situation float your boat?

1 comment:

  1. The blue background makes it a little hard to read, and certainly hard to find the comment button.

    Is the topic of the CSU/UC budget one that you are considering for your portfolio?
