Sunday, October 11, 2009

Procrastinating On Midterms

This procrastination has to stop. It is catching up with me. Well, there are two things I need to do in order to make this change happen. This first includes staying off the website known as Facebook. This website just has a dynamism over me, for which I'm having a problem shaking. It is quite frustrating that this website is taking time out of my life like this. It is just those pointless applications and the time I take to posting articles on my page, which takes the most time.

However, it is not the website that needs to be blamed. Only I can make the changes necessary to get past this obstacle. The other thing, which I have finally come to determine creates this procrastination is my lack of ability for me to focus when I'm at home. I'm just never able to focus, which is for a multiple amount of reasons. So, my main focus will now be to just get all my homework done at school. I know that if I actually stay a little later studying on campus, I will be able to get the work I want to get done.

The reason why I'm writing about this is because this past week I put off studying for two midterms, which were back to back, and with the same Professor. Before Monday of last week, I had done none of the reading for any of the classes and was just going off what I knew from lecture, which of all I attended. It was extremely difficult to balance studying for both midterms, as there did not seem to be enough time to internalize all the information. In order to best prepare for these midterms, I just avoided Facebook and studied at school later. The grades for these midterms are not out yet, but when I was focused at school studying, I felt I was getting something done and was beating this terrible habit.

Whatever my grades happen to turn out for these midterms, I remain hopeful that I have learned my lesson. It is climacteric that I get my studying schedule in order, and to take the necessary steps to beat this habit, instead of blaming other factors that I can control. So, now I'm off to go study for a midterm that I have this Tuesday, but if you are suffering from procrastination, spend a little time and analyze what is causing this problem, and what can be done to solve it.

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